Shoà- 6 milioni di ebrei + 1.5 milioni di T.Geova, ROM, Sinti, Omosessuali e persone di colore furono uccisi.
Ricorda cosa è successo
31 maggio 1939 | La ragazza ebrea olandese, Sara Channah Jacobsen, è nata a Rotterdam.
Fu deportata ad #Auschwitz da #Westerbork nell'agosto del 1942. Fu uccisa in una camera a gas dopo la selezione all'arrivo.
31 maggio 1935 | Una ragazza ebrea olandese, Marianne Nunes Vas, è nata ad Amsterdam. Nel febbraio del 1943 venne deportata ad #Auschwitz e uccisa in una camera a gas.
31 May 1926 | Belgian Jewish girl, Bertha Kaufman, was born in Antwerp. She was deported to #Auschwitz from #Mechelen on 11 August 1942. She did not survive.
29 May 1910 | Jewish man, Herman Eder, was born in Satu Mare (then in Austro-Hungary. He emigrated to Belgium. He was deported to #Auschwitz from #Mechelen on 15 August 1942. Registered in the camp where he perished on 30 August 1942.
30 May 1889 | A Jewish man Israel Steinfeld was born in Jönköping, Sweden. At the age of 3 his family emigrated to Norway. He was deported to #Auschwitz on 26 November 1942. He was registered & perished in the camp on 15 May 1943.
1 June 1937 | A Dutch Jewish boy, Manuel Scheffer, was born in Amsterdam. In September 1942 he was deported to #Auschwitz and murdered in a gas chamber together with his mother, Rachel.
1 June 1942 | An Italian Jewish boy, Marco Segre, was born in Milan. On 25 May 1944 he was murdered in a gas chamber at #Auschwitz II-Birkenau.
2 June 1931 | A Dutch Jewish boy, Josua Boesenach, was born in The Hague. In November 1943 he was deported to #Auschwitz and murdered in a gas chamber.
5 June 1936 | A French Jewish girl, Gina Goldstein, was born in Paris. She arrived at #Auschwitz on 13 September 1942 in a transport of 1,000 Jews deported from Drancy. She was murdered in a gas chamber after the selection.